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RSS 20mjohnson2

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Another reason cultural mascots should not be allowed is because they can often be stereotypical. There were complaints at Coachella Valley High School in California because of their Arab mascot. The mascot was an angry Arab head, which can stereotype what arabs look like. There were also murals on the walls that were described as "infatuation with the Middle East, or fantastical notions of it, in which men are barbarous, women are harem girls and magic lamps exist." Abed Ayoub, legal and policy director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), "Said that in nearly 10 years of working in civil rights he has never encountered a more egregious case of stereotyping."

Supporting Evidence: Arab American Cry Foul Over Californa High Mascots (
2 points

I agree that cultural mascots are demeaning to culture and, according to the Websters dictionary, "The word redskin is extremely offensive and should be avoided."

Supporting Evidence: Native American Mascots: Pride or Prejudice? (
2 points

I think mascots should not be aloud to be cultural because people often disrespect cultures by using their symbols without knowing the meaning. “That girl doesn't understand that every feather in that headdress would have been earned in battle. She wouldn't know that each one represents a life that was taken. ( The cheerleader) was making a mockery of us.” Abel Cooper, a full blooded American Indian explains after seeing a cheerleader in a Indian headdress. If the Indians who were originally represented by that mascot are offended we should stop using them.

Supporting Evidence: Native American Mascots Devalues Culture (
2 points

I agree because the culture had their mascot before the sports team took that mascot.

2 points

Some people think that cultural mascots are a good thing but I disagree. I think cultural mascots are a bad thing because they are extremely offensive and disrespectful.

Supporting Evidence: Native American Mascots Devalues Culture (
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