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RSS 19djohnson1

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Seemingly, the people you usually see driving while eating, talking on the phone, or trying to slowly type out a text with one hand are the 15-17 year old drivers. They obviously don't realize that even a simple task like those while one the road could mean their life. I'm sure 18 year olds would know better, considering their brains are closer to fully developed. It's so much safer to have older rather than younger people driving around in their cars.

1 point

If you think about it, 16 year old drivers cause the most automobile accidents per highway mile than that of any other age group that is permitted to be on the roads. When you listen to the news, most of the large, notable accidents are either caused by drunk drivers, or 16 year olds because they are new to using the car.

1 point

There's always a bus option, whether it be a city bus or a school bus.

0 points

Why are 16 year olds prohibited from purchasing handguns and cigarettes, and drinking alcohol, but are easily permitted to drive a vehicle that could honestly be a weapon in itself, if not used properly?

"Between 1995 and 2004, there were 30,917 fatalities in automobile accidents, which were caused by 15-17 year old drivers in the first place." - Should the driving age be raised to 18? by Representative John D'Amico

1 point

There's other sources of transportation, such as biking, skateboarding, or just simply walking. Not every one needs a car to get where they need to be. Lots of 16 year olds walk to work and school, so honestly, I don't think not having a car would much affect that age group.

0 points

I think the driving age should be raised to eighteen because the human brain is more developed and mature at that age. So, new 18 year old drivers would then realize the importance of safety while on the road more rather than new 16 year old drivers.

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