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20pmichler's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

Now that Boiceville’s mascots is back it won’t be able to change again because they have different people on the school board and the student are now standing with more power.

2 points

Boiceville high school’s mascot was voted to be changed, but a few months later it was voted by the students to be changed back and some of the school board members were voted off the board.

2 points

The Coachella Valley Arabs are told to be offensive, many people protest that they should change there name, but not everyone has the money for that. Not alot of people have thousands of dollars to change gym uniforms, the mascot costume, the emblem in the middle of the gym even the name of the school and think about it if they need money they are gonna rely on the parents to pay for it and you don’t want to lose money because like 3 people want to change the mascot

2 points

People are fighting against these mascots because they believe that they are racist, but what they don’t realize is they name these mascots these names for a reason, not to offend you, because they have so much respect and are proud to have that to represent them

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