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Bertrand's ACE Debate

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cultural mascots are good cultural mascots are bad
Debate Score:229
Total Votes:332
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 cultural mascots are good (23)
 cultural mascots are bad (31)

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mbertrand(62) pic

Cultural Mascots?

cultural mascots are good

Side Score: 83

cultural mascots are bad

Side Score: 146
4 points

“Our team name captures the best of who we are and who we can be by staying true to our history and honoring the deep and enduring values our name represents,” Snyder said in a letter on the NFL’s website earlier this year.

Side: cultural mascots are good
4 points

They say that no native americans support cultural mascots. but many tribes and native americans agree that cultural mascots such as the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe who recently announced that it had no problem with a local high school whose teams are called the Warriors. Because most cultural mascots are to try to honor indian tribes. Therefore cultural mascots should not be banned but embraced

Supporting Evidence: espn article (
Side: cultural mascots are good
3 points

Redskins owner Snyder says the team’s first roster in 1933 included four Native American players, and that the name is a proud reminder of its roots and a tribute to American Indians.

Side: cultural mascots are good
20whammen(4) Disputed
0 points

You say that cultural mascots are good because Redskins owner Snyder says the team’s first roster in 1933 included four Native American players, and that the name is a proud reminder of its roots and a tribute to American Indians but I say that they are bad because Abel Cooper, a full-blooded American Indian said his daughter at a redskins game watching a teenage girl dressed up as a Indian doing flips plus cartwheels for the fans. Abel said that his daughter became so offend her eyes filled up with tears and she asked if they could leave. therefore they may show respect but more people are offended by the mascots and logos.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
3 points

Even some Native American groups view mascots as a source of pride.

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

Hi im a random person from mexico masxots are very bad they insult us and others

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

People are fighting against these mascots because they believe that they are racist, but what they don’t realize is they name these mascots these names for a reason, not to offend you, because they have so much respect and are proud to have that to represent them

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

cultural mascots are good because they are good to honor if they are able to honor them without disgracing them and second of all who cares about a mascot

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

The Coachella Valley Arabs are told to be offensive, many people protest that they should change there name, but not everyone has the money for that. Not alot of people have thousands of dollars to change gym uniforms, the mascot costume, the emblem in the middle of the gym even the name of the school and think about it if they need money they are gonna rely on the parents to pay for it and you don’t want to lose money because like 3 people want to change the mascot

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

Boiceville high school’s mascot was voted to be changed, but a few months later it was voted by the students to be changed back and some of the school board members were voted off the board.

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

Even though many American Indian mascots war feathered headdresses and war paint. They often carry tomahawks. Opponents of these mascots say they show American Indian culture in a cartoonish way, people only let themselves believe that they are cartoonish. It could very well be that they are trying to show a child friendly look or maybe the American Indian culture has a friendly/cartoonish look and they are trying to make it look as exact as they possibly can.

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

Many people see this as a sign of respect (honor) for the Native Americans, also known as American Indians.

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

Now that Boiceville’s mascots is back it won’t be able to change again because they have different people on the school board and the student are now standing with more power.

Side: cultural mascots are good
2 points

The indians that started the first thanksgiving are dead so if they are dead how will they know that you have made and offensive mascot they wont because they are dead and if they are dead they don't care

Side: cultural mascots are good
20mschreiber(5) Disputed
0 points

But the ancestors of the first Indians that made thanksgiving will feel bad about how their ancestors are being treated it is also the ancestors of those first Indians that they are insulting.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
1 point

many teams are supported by tribes such as the florida state seminoles who meet with FSU frequently so that they can portray the seminoles in a positive manner and honor their culture

Side: cultural mascots are good
20whammen(4) Disputed
2 points

u r wrong......

Side: cultural mascots are bad
1 point

frank cloutier of the saginaw Chippewa indian tribe says “native american mascots raise awareness about native american tribe and culture. “If you're imagine a warrior or a chief you can talk about the character- the bravery, the resillience, the respect, the honesty

Side: cultural mascots are good
1 point

They say that cultural mascots are bad because they are an insult to tribes, but they are actually honoring the tribes because in North Dakota, the Fighting Sioux nickname is taken as a complement to the Sioux tribe. They said “I am very, very honored that they would use the name.” Therefore the names are not an insult, they make the tribes proud and feel honored. Information from the Scholastic magazine "Honor or Insult?"

Side: cultural mascots are good
20rkrizenesk(2) Disputed
2 points

Maddie, mascots ARE an insult to Native Americans and we all know that.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
20copsteen(1) Disputed
1 point

mascots are good if you really don't care what they are but they really don't offend people unless if a Indian comes up to you and says that it is offensive that means that it is bad but you don't see any Indians walking or waltzing around the streets trying to protest against it

Side: cultural mascots are good
20whammen(4) Disputed
1 point

you sat that they are good because there good but i say that they are bad because “Caricatures like the Cleveland Indians’ Logo of Chief Wahoo reduce Native Americans to cartoons and war chants,” says Cynthia Connolly a Odawa indian in Michigan. Making indians a cartoon are very disrespectful, therefore you are WRONG

Side: cultural mascots are bad
1 point

Many people think that they are disrespectful to the native Americans when they don't even watch football I am sure that they hate them but unless if you have 40 million dollars professional teams aren't going to change their logo

Side: cultural mascots are good
1 point

“I am very, very honored that they would use the name,” Spirit Lake member Eunice Davidson told The New York Times.

Side: cultural mascots are good
1 point

Hi me frm mexico agan me ging toooo gt Drk tonigt and hav fn

Side: cultural mascots are good
7 points

I think that schools etc. should get rid of cultural mascots because they promote bad stereotypes

Side: cultural mascots are bad
20pmuller(4) Disputed
1 point

nooooooooo you rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wrong

Side: cultural mascots are good
7 points

Some things that people do or wear for their mascot can make the mascot it is trying to represent look bad and could give false information. Not only what they wear can be bad but also there actions and what they say so I think cultural mascots should not be allowed because they can be very misleading.

Supporting Evidence: National congress of American Indians (
Side: cultural mascots are bad
7 points

Cultural mascots should not be allowed because sports teams tend to do things that can have a negative impact on Native Americans. If anyone on the sports team does something bad, it could be taken that Native Americans do these things also.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
7 points

According to Barbara Munson, "American Indian mascots and logos promote negative stereotypes." I agree with her statement, because people are going to start to think that is what real American Indians look like, but it really isn't. Clubs should ask the real ethnic group to get information about what they look like.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

I think cultural mascots are bad because they are insulting to Indian tribes who deserve respect because they were in America first.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
20cmauel(-2) Disputed
1 point

Although some mascots are offensive and should be banned, but that doesn't mean that all should be banned most school mascots are to honor that cultural group. Many native american tribes even support tribes such as the Florida Seminoles who have long supported FSU

Side: cultural mascots are good
20mtitera Disputed
-1 points

Well, actually the tribes view it as a compliment! One tribe said, “Our team name captures the best of who we are and who we can be by staying true to our history and honoring the deep and enduring values our name represents”. So they don't find it insulting. Information from Scholastic magazine "Honor or Insult?".

Side: cultural mascots are good
6 points

I think schools should get rid of school mascots because many Native Americans find them offensive. A Native American brought his daughter to a football game that was named after a Native American tribe and she got so offended she started crying and asked her father to leave. Cultural mascots are offensive, therefore schools should get rid of them.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

A panel on native american mascots had it that a girl went to a game, but when the mascot came out she begged her father to leave. Even kids are feeling offended not just adults, kids understand that some mascots are really insulting.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

Will is right, stereotypes are bad and having an Indian mascot promotes them and makes people think it is right to make fun of mascots.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

I think sports teams should get rid of cultural mascots because it can become a stereo type. Instead of being remembered for who they truly are, Native Americans will now be know as a sports team and everything the sports team does could be taken as what Native Americans do. Cultural mascots create stereo types and should not be allowed.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

A story in a Native American Mascots panel states that a man named Mr. Cooper brought his daughter (both Native American) to a football game. When they got there and there was a cheerleader dressed as a Native American and she started doing cartwheels and dancing. Mr. Cooper's daughter started crying and asked to go home because the cheerleader was very offending.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

we should get rid of mascots because Barbara Munson a Oneida Tribe member of Indians in Wisconsin Told Scholastic News “American Indian mascots and logos promote negative stereotypes.”

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

Lots of high schools are changing their symbols but all the big teams that many people know are not doing anything but sit back while more people get insulted.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
20whammen(4) Clarified
6 points

i totally agree with you people just don't get that people are very offended by that

Side: cultural mascots are good
6 points

Cultural Mascots are very offensive to Native Americans who do not appreciate stereotypical mascots. A man who was Native American went to a football game with his daughter and saw a cheerleader dancing in a Native American costume, and his daughter started crying and asked her father if they could leave the game.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

Cultural mascots should not be allowed because many Native Americans do not want to be associated with that category. According to Mr.Cooper (a Native American) says that “When you look at sports teams, you see a lot of animals and Indians, we’re tired of being part of that category." If Native Americans are not comfortable with sports teams having cultural mascots/names they should not be allowed.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

Only one state has banned public schools from using cultural mascots, that shows that no one cares that some people feel bad for who they are and that people want to change because of the insulting cultural mascots.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

Abel Cooper, a full-blooded American Indian said his daughter at a redskins game watching a teenage girl dressed up as a Indian and did flips plus cartwheels for the fans. Abel said that his daughter became so offend her eyes filled up with tears and she asked if they could leave.

that is sad

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

I think that cultural mascots are bad because they can insult people and hurt people for example Abel Cooper went to a football game with her dad and at half time a cheerleader wearing a headdress and buck skin insulted her so much that she started to cry and they left. Information from the Scholastic News Edition.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
6 points

They say that certain clubs and teams are honored by the fact people are using their tribe as a mascot but, I say that they are being so offensive because, teams are getting the looks wrong and messing up the idea, therefore teams and clubs should change their mascots if they have a culturally rude mascot.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
5 points

Cultural mascots should be banned because some people feel bad for who they are and want to change who htey are but cant so they feel bad and will live in shame because of the insulting mascots

Side: cultural mascots are bad
4 points

merica scks because mascots re bad re bad re re re re re re re bad

Side: cultural mascots are bad
trolleryouha(7) Clarified
3 points

mericas awesome exept that is sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: cultural mascots are good
3 points

They say that cultural mascots are a source of pride and honor Native American tribes, but I say that when teams and clubs get mascots wrong and assume that is what they look like, they are offending Native Americans across the nation. Therefore, teams and clubs shouldn't have cultural mascots.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
3 points

They say that cultural mascots are a source of pride and honor Native American tribes, but I say that when teams and clubs get mascots wrong and assume that is what they look like, they are offending Native Americans across the nation. Therefore, teams and clubs shouldn't have cultural mascots.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
1 point

I think that cultural mascots are bad because one native american said "Every time the Atlanta Braves do their tomahawk chop, we are not real people. We are no longer successful business men, doctors, soldiers, coworkers, or neighbors.” Now these stereotypes are very harmful and offend many people.

Side: cultural mascots are bad
1 point

Cultural mascots are bad because there use racist stereotypes for example now when people think of Native Americans they think of the tomahawk chop or that they wear buckskins and headdresses but they are the same as any other person.

Side: cultural mascots are bad