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20eaerts's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

You say that mascots are good if you really don't care but I say that they are bad because a lot of people are offended from all those names it is just like calling someone a really mean name therefore mascots are bad because they can hurt people.

1 point

Cultural mascots are bad because there use racist stereotypes for example now when people think of Native Americans they think of the tomahawk chop or that they wear buckskins and headdresses but they are the same as any other person.

1 point

I think that cultural mascots are bad because one native american said "Every time the Atlanta Braves do their tomahawk chop, we are not real people. We are no longer successful business men, doctors, soldiers, coworkers, or neighbors.” Now these stereotypes are very harmful and offend many people.

6 points

I think that cultural mascots are bad because they can insult people and hurt people for example Abel Cooper went to a football game with her dad and at half time a cheerleader wearing a headdress and buck skin insulted her so much that she started to cry and they left. Information from the Scholastic News Edition.

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