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19kremter's Waterfall RSS

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0 points

You would just have to be careful on the road, a lot of teenagers are responsible and safe on the road. It doesn't matter about the age.

0 points

If a teenager doesn't have their own car/license they will most likely not have a job.

1 point

Your going to need a car if you go off campus or if you don't go to a college or your finished with college and you are moving to your own house how would you get around then.

0 points

It doesn't matter about the age, they get in the accidents because they were either not being careful, or they don't have enough experience.

1 point

If you were a teenager and you wanted to go to college or move out you wouldn't have a vehicle to get you around.

0 points

I believe that the driving age should not be raised because parents are getting sick of driving their kids around when they get older. Your parents drove you around when you were little and when you get older you will want to go places with friends a lot more than you did when you were little, Your parents won't want to drive you around then.

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