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RSS 20banderson

Reward Points:1
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I do not agree with your statement, Rasing the driving age will not affect teenagers' social lives. If teens wanted to date they would not let driving hold them back, the teens would just find a way to see each other. If dating was a distraction for the kid education, the teen would find ways to make dating not affect their grades. Also, it is the kids choice to date someone or focus on school.

Source: ”Driving age should not be raised"

1 point

I agree with your statement about how teens can very distracted with all the new technology. According to the AAA 46% percent of teens admitted to texting and driving which makes them every likely to hurt other and themselves. Also over 51% have said that they talk on the phone and drive too.

Source: while-driving/

1 point

I disagree, raising the driving age will lower the number of accidents because they will get more time to practise and making them more comfortable driving before they get the huge responsibility of having a driver licence.

1 point

I think we should increase the driving age because of these 3 reasons. My first reason is that more teens deaths than any other age group of driving age. My second reason is that 16-year-old's have less inexperience than everyone making them even more likely to crash and get hurt, and they need more practice before getting their driver license. my last reason is that hey hurt more people more than their self.


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