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RSS 20asteidl

Reward Points:6
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Cultural mascots are an obvious conflict in the sport games. There are many reasons that they should be banned like... 1: The native Americans have state football teams named after them and those states might not have any culture to do with Native Americans. 2: The name redskins is racist towards the Native Americans and can be very offensive if you walked up and called a modern Native American a redskin. Those are some reasons why that cultural mascots should be taken away and offensive the Native Americans.


2 points

I disagree about saying that once cultural mascots were fine just awhile ago, and now they are not because they have been ok for a while. But I disagree, just because for over time it has been okay to have cultural mascots and now its a conflict doesn't mean it is still right to have cultural mascots. Maybe the people who were ok with it and now aren't just realised that this could be bad and could offend Native-Americans. So my claim to confirm is that cultural mascots are a conflict and should be eliminated.

2 points

Another reason I believe that we should not have cultural mascots is because normal sports teams abuse the idea of native-american clothing. My evidence behind my that the teams abuse the idea native-american clothes is because when most people living in a modern life when they thing of Native-Americans they say they ware a feather and the chief wares a giant feather head dress. Well the Native-americans that do ware that feather consider it very sacred. That feather is very sacred and is hard to get just because its and eagle feather. But when people ware a feather on their head, it highly offends the pure native Americans causing conflict when the extreme fans dress like that. Therefore saying that that people can offend the Native Americans just by clothing and making it bad when fans do ware the clothing for games of whatever sport it is offensive.

2 points

I think that cultural mascots should not be aloud because most sports teams make a mockery of the Native Americans. For example Abel Cooper a pure native-american took his daughter to a football game and a cheerleader was bouncing around on the field in a "Native American" clothes and a headdress. Able Coopers daughter was appalled and they left the game. Proving that cultural mascots are making a mockery of the Native Americans.


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