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Gummybears12's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

You say that the driving age should not be raised because it will cause more problems but I disagree, Teens that drive to their friends house, will probably just pick them up and drive around, and being mad at their parents won't improve their driving at all because December 29, 2005 four teenage boys from Chicago went out for a late-night drive and had a terrible accident. The driver of the car was 16 and a 16 and a 17 year old died- Alex Koroknay-Palicz Should the driving age be raised to 18?

1 point

The driving age should be raised to 18 because kids under 18 have more accidents. Between 1995 and 2004, 30,917 people were killed by people that were driving 15-17 years of age. Alex Koroknay-Palicz Should the driving age be raised to 18?

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