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2 points
Supporting Evidence: Center for Disease (
3 points

You say that age shouldn't matter, maturity should. Although that could be true, according to recent findings, the human brain does not reach full maturity until at LEAST their mid-twenties! Therefore, the driving age should be raised because as you said maturity matters, we are not fully matured until mid-twenties.

3 points

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, between 1995 and 2004, there were 30,917 fatalities in accidents that involved 15-17 year old drivers. Remember that this all happened between nine years! Only nine years. Now just think, how many more accidents will there be in the next nine years? In the past nine years?

1 point

You can do many other things to get you ready for adulthood besides taking the chance of possibly killing people due to immaturity. In fact, raising a pet can you get you ready for adulthood as pets are quite like children.

5 points

Although this is true, John M. Crisp from Scripps News Service says, "Nudging the legal driving age upwards a bit, that is, in the direction of more maturity, experience and responsibility, would at least have the practical effect of reducing the number of 16-year-old who are killed each year in auto accidents." Despite the fact that 16-year-olds need to learn responsibility like taking care of a car, there are many other approaches that you can take to teach them responsibility that are unlike putting their own and someone else's life in their hands. For example, you could have them take care of a pet.

3 points

Another reason as to why the driving age should be raised to 18 is because people die. Even the drivers and passengers. Representative John D'Amico, who is a democrat for Illinois State Legislature states that, "On December 29, 2005, four teenage boys went out for a late-night drive and the car spun out of control and struck several objects including a giant light pole. A 16 and 17-year-old were killed and the driver was only 16 years old." This makes me think, should the driving age be raised?

3 points

Since April 20, 4,000 Americans were killed in automobile accidents and some of this may have to do with the fact that like Donglai said, their brain is not fully developed until the mid-twenties.

2 points

Raising the legal driving age might not solve all of our highway safety problems, but it can serve as a message to young drivers. The article, "Raising Minimum Driving Age is Modest Statement says, "The message being, handling several thousand pounds of automobile at highway speeds is serious business calling for a mature sense of social responsibility." You are responsible for your own actions in this world and maybe not being able to drive until later in life is a good thing.

2 points

The driving age should be raised because 16-year-old drivers have more accidents per highway mile than any other age groups. The Center for Disease says, "Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for American teenager, accounting for about a third of all deaths in that age group." Therefore, the driving age should be raised.

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