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20lbischel's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Studies show that risky behavior affects 16-17 year old males just as much as it does males in their early 20's. Should we ban all men from driving until they are 23? No because they started driving when they were 16 and the ones who have lived figured out that driving is not a game.

Supporting Evidence: Driving Age Should Not Be Raised (
1 point

Statistics show that men of all ages are 77 percent more likely to kill someone while driving than women. If people want to save lives by raising the driving age, then how about saving lives by allowing only women to drive?

Supporting Evidence: Should the driving age be raised to 18? (
1 point

I think that the driving age should not be raised because beginning driving when you are 18 does not help any problems that the others may say it does. In fact, studies show that most adults start drinking heavily at age 18 or so. That means more drunk driving which would equal a ton more homicides/suicides.

Supporting Evidence: Should the driving age be raised? (
1 point

Because if you were to get a licence at 18, you would get in the same amount of accidents as you would as a 16 year old. If the driving age is raised then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year olds will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase. We are not helping the cause by raising the driving age we are just delaying the time they will die.

Supporting Evidence: Driving Age Should Not Be Raised (

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