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19mringer's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

Actually no, a majority of the time, they are offended by the cartoonish caricature they are pictures as by so many peopl

3 points

well they obviously aren't doing that well, as their attempts to "Honor" the native Americans, just end up being derogatory and offensive towards the groups all around the U.S

0 points

yes, that is only in very certain areas, and most Native Americans, are offended by these types of derogatory generalizations, not all of them act like that

2 points

that is another topic for another date, but being called something like that is not offensive, however, calling a native american tribe or group something like the redskins, is highly offensive, and is just in general offensive, and tell me Derek, are you offended by being called a name that is not derogatory?

3 points

It frankly depends on how this mascot is viewed by surrounding ethnic and cultural groups, if its okay to them, then that is an exception, however, if they are offended, it has become too much and its no longer okay

3 points

its not okay at all actually, if schools are named to have a native american mascot, then the children in the school are taught to devalue this culture and they typically imagine this is how the group acts or looks, and its not okay, and its because people are finally realizing that this is not okay

0 points

not even that, as occasionally a group will be honored by e certain team, but on the other side, more often than not, a cartoonish and offensive mascot will show up and offend many people, and cause many issues as to why it is what it is, this is not okay, we should end the offense

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