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19gdewitt's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree, the only reason we fail at activities on the first time, prodigies aside, is because we aren't born with the knowledge! Yes as you mature your brain is becoming mature, but that's for basic though and intelligence... Not adapted skills such as the focus of our topic! If you expect 18 year-olds to jump in a car and drive like someone who has been driving for 2 years, you aren't gonna get very promising results... Humans weren't made to fly or breath under water, so how are they to drive a can around avoiding other cans while their at it?

1 point

The stats that your supplying do seem accurate, but do you really think that the teenagers were aiming for other drivers? Like a twisted version of adult bumper cars?

1 point

That's convincing and all, but by delaying the age of permitted driving you also delay training for driving, it'd be the same result, just two years later... Also accidents happen everyday, there's no stopping that...

3 points

Raising the driving age would be a solution that would fall under "Necessary". Many believe that raising the driving age would cause drivers 'think about their actions' but 16 year olds aren't evil, they know that the skill of driving is dangerous, but its useful! The National Youth Rights Association states that 'Young drivers can use the privilege of driving to get to everyday places like school, jobs, dates, and just hanging out socially with friends, which is just as important in a teens life as driving is.' Another delusion is that when you raise the driving age, stating drivers magically have more experience when they DO start driving. Most accidents, alcohol- if any- aside, are caused by inexperience and just random occurrence, which life is full of. After an everlasting debate at, the jury has settled that drivers with no experience are the usual guilty party of the accidents on the highways that happen occasionally. Though it is a demonic thought, raising the driving age is just postponing a deadly accident. Over 7,000 Americans wake up for the last time every day, sadly there's no changing that until we get bubbles of protection to save us... So if someone dies at age 16 and you raise the age of permit, then more will die at age 18... Its a vicious circle of life, but raising the driving age won't help.

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